News | May 4, 2007

APCO Institute Releases New Fire Service Dispatch Guidecards

Daytona Beach, FL - APCO Institute recently announced the debut of their newest offering - Fire Service Dispatch Guidecards. The Fire Service Dispatch Guidecards, based on APCO Institute's Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) Program, provides agencies with guidecards for the triaging and dispatching of fire service related emergency calls, customized to match the needs and resources of the individual agency.

The new Fire Service Dispatch Guidecards use the fire service specific information and call handling techniques taught in the APCO Institute's Fire Service Communications, 1st Edition training course and incorporates information provided by subject matter experts from the fire service and the public safety communications industry.

Call types covered by these new guidecards - available in paper guidecards and electronic format - range from commercial and residential structure fires to hazardous material (HAZMAT) incidents and explosive devices.

"APCO Institute's new Fire Service Dispatch Guidecards provide one more tool for today's public safety telecommunicator," APCO Institute Director Julie Troutman said. "The added advantage of being able to customize these guidecards ensures agencies are providing the highest level of service possible to the citizens of the jurisdictions they serve."

For more information on the new Fire Service Dispatch Guidecards visit

SOURCE: APCO Institute